The Blue Spring
The water here is very clear.
clear as, there's a little fish in this photo, just chillin.
Rushing through a tight spot.
The first of the non-fenced off tributaries down stream from the spring. The first time we visited, there were cows in this stream. It's such a shame too, because all along the banks further upstream near the spring they've made a huge effort - it's fenced off and there banks are planted up to catch any run off...
and then there's this.
Tributary joining the river.
Second sample taken from this point.
Another sample point
Bridge at Te Aroha
Me - in the river, scum sampling.
This is the same river, as the beautiful blue shots - this is much closer to reaching the sea, having gone through acres of farmland and being joined by tributaries polluted by the tailings from the old Tui Mine
Scum joining the river from another tributary, final sample from near this point.
and just FTR: My water archive- every sample recieved in 2010.
Putting samples in the shelves - geographically ordered by region.
Northland, Auckland and Coramandel samples (Top to bottom)